Saturday, September 7, 2013

day1 in econ

On the first day of class we spoke about the syllabus and also why our economy is so broke, the experiments that our president try with the citizens and gave each 600 dollar. Did it help?  We came to a solution no, because people just spent the money. We spoke about Adam Smith, John Maynerd Keynes, N. Greg Mankiew, and Paul Krugman. What a model is and some other key words. Such as positive vs. normative the difference is the way things are done and the way things should be done. Economist do thing with a model and that’s their normative. Problems after problems our economist tells Bush to give the citizens 600 dollars and they were expecting people to use it to pay their credit card company they owe. Instead what everyone did was spent the money on what was very important to them at that time. So their hypotheses were wrong it didn’t help our people or our economy.  On one hand we don’t have money on the other we are still digging a hole for our country. The economist of United States think everything through and use model and such to simplify their point. But why still isn’t it not working…I personally don’t know and that was one of the many problems we as a class try to find some kind of a answer but yet no exactly solution.







Adam Smith was a Scottish philosopher and economist. Also the author of Causes of The Wealth. He also came up with invisible hands. John Maynerd Keynes, an economist also was little bet of peace maker. Let people do as they like and they will become better at their jobs by choice and few more famous economists. The history of economic deal with people speaking their minds. Not everyone think the same and that’s why it became political. Health care, business sell goods at a just price argued Thomas Aquinas, labor classes, tax prices.




Obama care is the health plan starting 2014. It’s not about how much you make or what kind of health care you want. It’s based on age and where you live. So a person can be 20 years old and not have any major health problem and there can be a 68 year old who have really bad health. Who pays more the person that is younger she isn’t sick or anything but she has longer to live so let’s charge her more. What about the doctors that went to school for long time and isn’t able to charge their people  they have to fallow Obama care. The good is that everyone gets health care but it still doesn’t feel fair. Charging the rich why? I’m sure that if we were on the other side us being rich we all would think the different like why should I pay more I not even that sick.     

Some webs I looked up

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